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Deployed Contracts


All interactions with raffles should be through either the RafflerFactoryProxy contract or the minimal proxy contracts deployed by that factory. RaffleChef is the canonical raffle contract that records and verifies all raffles. LinklessVRF is a custom ETH-denominated direct funded wrapper for Chainlink VRF.

Arbitrum One

FairyRaffle 1.1.0 (mastercopy)0x15d3752e7c673a84837E8c5381992c9E63D8a698
FairyRaffleFactory 1.1.0 (mastercopy)0x2Dbf3C7B09dF4520Ae91CF86B912ef6c759B702f
RaffleChef 2.0.00x26881E8C452928A889654e4a8BaFBf205dD87812
LinklessVRF 1.3.00x48937F66f13cAcD4c891917F15318FCdD0f628E3